Katleen De Flander
Kopernikusstrasse 32C
10243 Berlin
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The Critical Dialogues Series, Walking Debate: NAIROBI and Walking Debate: BERLIN were funded by and developed at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V. Potsdam (Germany).
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Someone once told me that only scientists talk about implementing projects in the “real” world, for all others that “real” world is an absolute given. Unfortunately, there is a often a great lack of reality in scientific projects and higher political circles, even if they claim to be advancing socio-ecological transformations. I argue for more place-sensitive approaches where transdisciplinarity is a must and a sometimes radical change of perspective is needed to aim at systemic change and not just efficiency improvements. Such perspectives have and will more often rise from places of necessity.
Dr.-Ing. Katleen De Flander
Urban Environmental Research
Architect | Urbanist
Project Curator