Public Debate

Friday, 18 September 2015, 18:30 @ ANCB, Pfefferberg, Berlin

Africa is at the beginning of a major wave of urbanisation and is theoretically still in the position to take decisions on how the African Urban Transition will take shape. But what happens when we export European or Asian urbanisation patterns and technologies to African cities (which is already happening)? In other words, what are the role and limits of the import/export of knowledge, technology and urbanisation patterns between different regions of the world?

This dialogue thus focuses on how ‘culturally different’ the processes of urbanisation are (or should be)? Which approaches can be shared (imported) and which cannot? What influence do ‘different urbanisations’ have on the resulting urban resource flows?

Download the Dialogue’s Flyer here: DifferentUrbanisations.pdf

Introduced by:
Katleen De Flander
Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies IASS, Potsdam
Áine Ryan
ANCB The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory, Berlin

Framed and moderated by:
Astrid Ley
Director, Chair of International Urbanism, Stuttgart University

With keynotes from:
Susan Parnell
African Centre for Cities; Professor of Environmental and Geographical Sciences, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Serge Salat
President Urban Morphology and Complex Systems Institute, Paris, France

Ricardo Ruiz Freire
InCiti – Federal University of Pernambuco; 3ecologias and LABCEUS, Recife, Brasil

Remy Sietchiping
Leader, Regional and Metropolitan Planning Unit, UN-Habitat, Nairobi, Kenya

Image credits Dialogue 2: ANCB and Erik-Jan Ouwerkerk
Image credits LAB 2: Jana Gumprecht and LAB participants